NOTICE TO ACO REACH BENEFICIARIES -                         12/17/2024

(Including Notice to Participant Providers)



The purpose of this letter is to notify you that Your Health Center and ABC Network will no longer be participating in ACO REACH program as of December 31, 2024. The withdrawal from ACO REACH will have no impact on a patients health care or the physicians, hospitals, or other health services a patient uses.

In 2024 you may have received a beneficiary incentive for your Chronic Care Management, Hospital Follow-Up, or Emergency Room Follow-Up. However, As of January 2025, ABC Network will no longer be providing beneficiary incentives for Cost Share Support related to Chronic Care Management and/or Hospital Follow-up, or Emergency Room Follow-up.

The ACO REACH program is a demonstration provider payment model to test and evaluate new payment arrangements that award participating providers for providing better care, at lower cost, while improving Medicare patient experience with care. To avoid any confusion on your part, our withdrawal from this CMS demonstration program,  Your Health Center and ABC Network will be available to serve you whenever you need help. ABC Network will be available to answer your questions and assist you with your healthcare needs.

If you have any concerns or have questions about receiving this letter, please call us at 602-649-1630 or you can e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website www. to learn more about ABC Network and how changes in healthcare provider Medicare payment arrangements will improve your care and reduce the cost for Medicare beneficiaries. You can read about all the innovative healthcare delivery systems and payment model demonstrations that CMS is testing at:


Medicare is changing your healthcare for the better. ABC Network will be there to help you get the best care possible.


About Arizona Best Care Network

ABC Network was established by and is led by Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) that formed the ABC Network to serve Arizonans. Federally Qualified Health Centers’ mission is to provide primary care services to anyone that needs care, regardless of ability to pay. This includes serving Arizona communities which do not have an adequate number of community healthcare providers. ABC Network is an extension of our FQHC mission. ABC Network supports our FQHCs, to provide better care and lower the cost of care for our Medicare beneficiaries. We assist and advocate for Medicare beneficiaries to ensure they get the care they need when they need it.