Welcome to ABC Network!
As a Medicare MSSP Contracting Entity made up of a group of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers who agree to work together to see that you get the right care at the right time; we will help everyone work together to give you better care according to your medical needs and treatment choices.
What is an ACO?
An ACO is a network of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers that shares responsibility for providing coordinated care to patients in hopes of limiting unnecessary spending for both the patient and Medicare.
What It Means to Be Part of an ACO Network:
As a beneficiary aligned to Arizona Best Care Network, you will benefit from coordinated care from your healthcare providers that allows each member of the healthcare team to communicate with each other to ensure your complete and coordinated care.
Your Primary Care Physician (PCP) has chosen to participate in Arizona Best Care Network because they have access to additional resources and are able to give their patients better quality care.
Your Medicare benefits have not changed. You may still go to any doctor, hospital, or other healthcare provider that accepts Medicare.
How Does It Work?
- Coordination: Your Health Care Providers will work to provide you with coordinated care.
- Communicating: Between Health Care Providers and you in making health care decisions.
- Efficiency: Spend less time filling out medical history paper work due to shared electronic health records.
- Less waste: Fewer repeated medical tests when not necessary by sharing information.
- Listening: You’ll be in the center of care and your providers will be honoring your choices.
- Choices: People with Original Medicare can be assigned to an ACO, but will always have the option to see any provider they choose, as long as the Provider accepts Medicare.
If you are interested in learning more about the MSSP Model, click: https://www.cms.gov/medicare/payment/fee-for-service-providers/shared-savings-program-ssp-acos or you may call our Member Engagement Center at 602-649-1630, or email us at [email protected]. A member of our team will be happy to assist you.

Program Info
Here is some great information to better help you understand your Medicare:
Click Here to find out why it's important to select your primary care provider on CMS.gov
Voluntary Enrollment
This 3 minute video will show you how:
For Information About How Assignment Was Made:
Do you have questions? :
Contact Your Beneficiary Engagement Center: 602-649-1630
Or send us a message: